Medicated Thoughts

Late at night
Highly medicated.
Just scrolling through Pinterest reading different Tumblr posts, and one caught my eye. Honors English was going to start reading Lord Of The Flies.
So, I did Lord Of The Flies in my freshman English class.
It's kind of baffling that it's considered an honors class piece of literature.
So I follow that path.
I didn't do well in school. Mainly because if it didn't interest me, I didn't care, therefore I didn't try.
Math, no thank you.
Science, ew.
Spanish, meh
But oh! The Glories of English Class!!! Of Choir!!! Anything to do with reading or music, I was all in. My soul could soar unseen, where as in the "core"" classes, I was failing to even fly, therefore the subject of disdain and even ridicule from some of my teachers.
Whoa... how'd we get here?!?
Oh yeah, heh...
At any rate, perhaps, me not realizing that other people regarded certain things to be of a higher caliber in education, wasn't scornful, or elitist. It was simply a different point of view I had previously been unable to see. 
Well, wouldya look at that!

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